What is beauty? Is it only physical? Who decides what is and isn’t beautiful?

We, as a society, have shaped self confidence issues, eating disorders, and insecurities, and necessitated cosmetic surgeries, all to attain unrealistic physical ideals for men and women. It doesn’t take much investigating to find altered images splashed across magazines, newspapers, sitcoms, movies, and social media. These images have obvious impact on our perceptions, ideals, and unrealistic ‘truth’

On the flip side, our physical attributes also play an important role, they form an impression; paint a picture of personal or professional characteristics. They give us a sense of understanding which, in turn gives us confidence.

Looks {are not the only aspect that make a person beautiful} (are so much more than skin deep). True beauty {starts from} (begins) within. A{An individual who authentically passionate, genuine  and kind will seem much more beautiful than a supermodel with a cold heart and bad attitudet

Aesthetically, our external physical features tell a story; they tell us about our internal health. For long lasting beautiful hair, skin, and nails, we have to look at our health in its entirety. Follow these 10 Awesome Steps for Inner and Out Beauty:

1) Hydrate – Water (H20) is the most abundant molecule in the body, making up approximately 60% of the human body. Water transports nutrients to organs and muscles; protects and lubricates joints; eliminates toxins through perspiration, urination, and bowel movements; reduces fatigue, and adds glow and moisture to dry skin.

2) Reduce non-foods – processed foods, refined sugar, and stimulants such as coffee and alcohol, do not provide nutrients. Instead, they burden the various body systems and organs, especially the liver. They may aggravate and contribute to skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema, or lead to nutritional deficiencies that show in weak, brittle hair and nails.

3) Eat whole foods

  • Fruits and vegetables – provide vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and are excellent sources of complex carbohydrates, the body’s primary source of fuel.
  • Lean meats, legumes, nuts provide protein, a vital macronutrient and the fundamental building block for all cells in the body.
  • Healthy fats (olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, nuts etc.)–  provide support for body composition and immune system, strengthen bones and nails, stimulate hair follicles, and moisturize skin.

4) Supplement to bridge the gap

– High Quality Multivitamin/Multi-mineral supplies necessary vitamins and minerals, especially:

  • Selenium– a mineral with antioxidant properties. It prevents cellular damage, prevents cardiovascular disease, maintains the skin’s pH and protection capabilities, and moisturizes the scalp
  • Zinc- an essential trace mineral for a healthy immune system and skin repair
  • Vitamin C – an important antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals, supports a healthy immune system, strengthens brittle hair, and contributes to collagen synthesis, which is the main structural protein that gives skin its elasticity and youthful glow.
  • Omega-3 – an essential fatty acid. Its anti-inflammatory properties are beneficial for the whole body. It also stimulates hair follicles and moisturizes the skin.
  • Silica – an essential trace mineral for bone, cartilage, and tendons. Its deficiency leads to brittle nails, fine hair, and loss of elasticity in the skin.

5) Improve digestion – The digestive system is the foundation of beauty. The breakdown of food, and absorption of the nutrients is fundamental for overall health. Poor digestion can lead to toxin overload which contributes to oily skin or acne. 

6) Clean up cosmetics – The skin is permeable and absorbs whats put on it directly into the blood stream. Trade in your synthetic, chemical cosmetics for mineral based, paraben free make-up; natural lotions, soaps, shampoos, and conditioners; and aluminium free deodorants. Try using oils as moisturizers instead, such as coconut oil, avocado oil, jojoba oil, argon oil, apricot oil, and almond oil.

7) Exercise – Exercise has many benefits! It promotes cardiovascular health and circulation, strengthens muscles and joints, boosts the immune system and fat loss, facilitates sweat and detoxification, reverses the aging process, and contributes to better sleep.

8) Sleep – We need our ‘beauty’ sleep! This is when the body repairs itself. Lack of sleep can affect metabolism, lower energy, lower mood, and increase weight gain. Chronic lack of sleep can lead to serious health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and depression. Also, it helps slow down the aging process and gives skin a youth flow glow.

9) Stress Management – long term effects of stress is the root cause of disease and is detrimental to overall health. It can also deplete nutrients and lead to nutritional deficiencies; elevate the hormone cortisol, stimulating oil production which lead to oily skin or acne; contribute to flare-ups of eczema, acne, psoriasis, or dermatitis; or lead to hair loss. For overall health, be mindful of stress and try reducing it through meditation, yoga, deep breathing, exercise, keeping a gratitude journal, and improving time management.

10) Practice Self-Love – We all have differences and similarities. What makes us truly beautiful is being our authentic selves, embracing our flaws and being confident in our own skin. Love your mind, love your body, love yourself. Enjoy your favourite activities, practice positive affirmations, and be around people who lift your spirits. Overall, be good to yourself, it will pay you back!

Thank you for reading, beauty! Please share your comments and pictures, using the hashtag #myfabulousself.


Guest post for Angela Nuhn, Written by Parastoo Badie